I'm almost giving up my job search.

I'm almost giving up my job search.

The title of this post isn't a click-bait. It's the truth and I want to share my pain with anyone who can understand what am going through. It's indeed a long story but I will make the post brief so that I don't bore you.

Where can start from. I love technology so much. The reason why I jumped into software development is to be able to contribute to an ever-growing community of amazing people. I always dreamed of sitting anywhere with my laptop and changing the world in whichever little way I can.

Learning about software isn't an easy task. There so many rocks to hit and mountains to climb. But despite all this struggle I have managed to push through most of the challenges that came way. I'm still learning till today and am always learning because software development goes hand-in-hand with growth.

The biggest point to make here is that passion has led me to where I am. I have never been mentored or taught by anyone. I have never had someone to show me my mistakes and point me to the right direction. I have learn things the crude-way. Hitting rocks and climbing mountains over and over again.

Fortunately or unfortunately, I need to survive. I need a job. The only skill I hold my confidence in, is programming. I qualify for a programming job because I have been doing the craft for 3 years straight. I have learnt a lot and I have built a few things along the way.

But the sad reality is that searching for a job has turned into the worst nightmare. I have been searching for a tech job for a year. I have tailored my resume for each job, carefully wrote cover letters but I have never been selected for any interview.

I tried to join turing.com and went through the vetting process successfully but all in vain. I keep wondering if tech jobs really exist. I also wonder if the stories I hear about BootCamp grads landing jobs in 3 months , are really true.

Don't get me wrong. I didn't learn to code in order to make a lot of money, I don't care about a lot of money. I just want to be part of a team of individual who are better than me, and can help me level up. At this point I feel like giving up on searching for a tech job. Am going to resort to doing a regular job while and keep coding as a hobby.

Yours, truly...